Good Manager Bad Manager
- Good managers create space for trial and error. Bad managers ensure everyone is doing things in the right way (their way).
- Good managers have accumulated experience (e.g. 10 years of experience). Bad managers have only accumulated time (e.g. 1 year of experience but 10 times).
- Good managers prioritise their direct reports. Bad managers only prioritise their bosses.
- Good managers attract people who are much better than themselves. Bad managers attract people who are less than themselves.
- Good managers hire one top talent to outwork five mediocre ones. Bad managers quickly hire five mediocre and keep losing talent.
- Good managers leverage diversity. Bad managers force similarity.
- Good managers surround themselves with people who challenge their thought processes. Bad managers surround themselves with people who affirm their conclusions.
- Good managers leverage the skills of others. Bad managers try to do everything themselves.
- Good managers learn from everyone. Bad managers only learn from those who confirm their bias.
- Good managers question everything, including their own beliefs. Bad managers only question things they don’t yet believe.
- Good managers share their direct experiences. Bad managers recycle secondhand knowledge that they never applied.
- Good managers are smarter when leaving the meeting. Bad managers are the smartest when leaving the meeting.
- Good managers listen with curiosity. Bad managers hear things with their thought and can’t wait to talk again.
- Good managers get straight to the point and then stop talking. Bad managers keep talking until the others are dead or exhausted.
- Good managers appreciate doers who are brave talkers. Bad managers appreciate smooth talkers who say things they want to hear.
- Good managers want to hear the problems. Bad managers only want to hear the solutions.
- Good managers work hard and go home. Bad managers stay late and drag everyone down.
- Good managers take other priorities in life as seriously as their work and encourage others to do the same. Bad managers expect others to drop everything for work.
- Good managers ensure everyone understands team goals. Bad managers ensure everyone understands the team hierarchy.
- Good managers motivate people with a compelling vision. Bad managers motivate people with persuasive compensation.
- Good managers create more top-notch leaders. Bad managers create more mediocre followers.
- Good managers give you a problem to solve. Bad managers give you a solution to execute.
- Good managers give people a tool. Bad managers give people a rule.
- Good managers value relationships. Bad managers value the career ladder.
- Good managers seek opportunities to praise others. Bad managers seek opportunities to stay in the spotlight.
- Good managers are decisive and take responsibility. Bad managers are indecisive and anxious.
- Good managers encourage confrontation. Bad managers avoid conflict.
- Good managers decentralised control. Bad managers are control freaks.
- Good managers eliminate waste by delivering quality. Bad managers waste time by delivering useless quantities.
- Good managers use past success as a new standard. Bad managers struck in past successes.
- Good managers are punctual to show respect to themselves and others. Bad managers are often late to demonstrate their power.
Originally published at